Software Engineer, Manager & Architect PhD in Distributed Computing / Multi Agent Systems MS in Engineering and Computer Science professional since 1990
Work Experience:
Principal Engineer at eBay, Inc. (San Jose, CA - Since Dec 2003):
Dev Lead and key designer and implementer of ultra high performance, extreme scalability projects (millions of simultaneous users, billions of hits per day). Worked on all range of projects from large (7 man years) to small and fast (LTS every 2 weeks) projects.
Design and tuning on recent project allowed $620k saving in hardware costs
Recognized as one of the very top contributor, mentor, technical leader.
Manager of Software Development at Qualys, Inc. (Redwood City, CA - March 2003 - Dec 2003):
Hands-on leadership position at leading security software company. Software development on Apache + PHP + C + Oracle on Linux. Responsible for Webservices XML APIs and integration product lines. Improved code quality and processes (DB, Unit testing, documentation, security and coding practices).
Sr. Software Architect and Platform Software Manager at Xtime, Inc. (San Mateo/Burlingame, CA - Sept 1999 - Feb 2003):
Project Lead, Architect and key individual contributor in many aspect
of the company's enterprise software (scheduling and service automation
platform and web applications - Java J2EE Application Server based (ATG Dynamo, BEA Weblogic & IBM Websphere) and Oracle 8i DB - Multi million dollar engagements)
Responsible for and worked on backend and middle tier Java server side software; infrastructure, persistence layer, object mapping, sdk, customization framework and general services. Designed and implemented Xtime's XML SiteLink API and worked closely on defining and implementing Xtime's WebServices (SOAP) strategy. Web protocols, efficient and elegant code and architecture guru. Overall responsibility for code quality, architecture integrity, performance and deployments.
First Senior Engineer hired, built many of the company's infrastructure from scratch (including, software development environment (source control system (CVS, Perforce), build system (make, ant), bug tracking system (bugzilla), intranet (wiki, web pages), release process, check-in process, etc...)
company's infrastructure from scratch (including, happily, less exciting
but nevertheless critical elements such as software development environment,
bug tracking system (bugzilla), etc...)
Acting Director of Engineering (incl. steering committee,
board meeting, project management/planning, recruiting,
compensation, etc...). Managed 8+ engineers, Shipped on time
4 consecutive releases for the first time in company's history,
channeled team's energy toward reaching the milestones.
Personally hired 7 top talent in difficult times
to bootstrap a new team/effort.
As part of the management team, helped lead a 20+ engineering organization while still being a key individual contributor, implementor and expert/mentor (successfully mentored and transferred critical information to team members allowing for as smooth as possible a transition).
Senior Software Engineer (Staff Engineer) at Sun Microsystems (June 1997 - Sept 1999) :
Technical lead for the Update service and Security for JavaOSTM and other critical contributions as a core engineering/senior software engineer team member. (Java and C programming, Solaris and ChorusOS (micro-kernel), Client/Server architecture).
Before that in SunLabs: engineering team member developing the Tcl/Tk language, in particular security issues and the Tcl Plug-in 2.0 for Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. (using C, Tcl and Web technologies; cross platform Windows (9x and NT) and Unix (Solaris, Linux, etc...))
Lead Software Engineer at GENSET (Paris), a leading Biotech/Genomics firm (Nasdaq GENXY). Responsible for research and development in Perl/Tcl/Tk/(Java)/C/Sybase... within the human genome mapping research team (30+ ppl). Managing 2 ppl. (Oct 1996 - May 1997).
PhD student then Research Engineer position: development of an intelligent control system for an adaptive optics instrument at DESPA, Paris Observatory. Several tasks have been accomplished during 5 years (Nov 1991 to Sept 1996) :
Project and contract management, working with the ESO European organization and ONERA as Project Responsible/Manager.
Research work (PhD).
Design and implementation on Unix/X11 workstations, in C and Tcl/Tk of the distributed control system (including a specialized http server) and the user interface of the instrument.
System administration of the computer network, setup and developments of Internet servers such as : WWW, ftp, Irc,...
Design and implementation of an image analysis software and system administration : 11 months on SUN workstations, in C under UNIX / X-Windows as Software Engineer.
(Military duty as « Scientifique du Contingent », detached by the DRET to SAT Paris, from 11/1990 to end of 09/1991)
Neural Networks application to Go Game programming and implementation of a development workbench (and user interfaces) : 6 months in C++ (THINK C on Macintosh). (DEA and Engineering school research projects from March to September 1990)
PhD in Applied Artificial Intelligence (Distributed computing / Intelligent Multi Agent system). At GREYC Université de Caen and DESPA Observatoire de Paris. Defended on Feb 13th 1996.
Engineering school grade (Master of Science equiv.), Computer Science specialization from ISMRa-ENSI de Caen and « DEA Intelligence Artificielle & Applications de l'Université de Caen »
Student at ISMRa-ENSI de Caen (Master Program).
Preparatory Classes (Classes Préparatoires Math Sup & Spé M - BSc equivalent).
High School graduation / College admission (Baccalauréat série C (=Math & Science)).
Skills/Level list: Server side Java (J2EE) / Expert (6+ years); C / Expert (12+ years); Tcl-Tk / Expert (7 years); PHP / Good (9 months); Perl / Intermediate (3 years); Net & Web protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, ...) / Expert (8+ years); Internet Security / Expert (5+ years); RDBMS (Oracle), SQL / Intermediate (6 years); Java Application Servers / Expert (5+ years); XML / Expert (5 years); Unix (Solaris, Linux) / Expert (11+ years) Bilingual: French/English
Numerous personal software projects in Tcl/Tk, C, C++, Pascal, Basic, and Assembly (since 1981 on Oric 1/Atmos then Apple IIe, Amiga, Macintosh SE/30 and now PC under Unix (Linux)). Also developed public domain networking software available on Internet (WWW, security, Tcl/Tk applications and extensions,...).
Several Artificial Intelligence projects (BlackBoard, Expert Systems) during the DEA, as well as during 2nd and 3rd years of the engineering
Industrial project / summer job : realization of a people management database system (using 4D on Mac) for SIMULEDGE group (Paris, 1 month, summer 1989).
Industrial project / summer job : programming in Cobol and PL/1 (on Ibm 3090 under MVS) at the Société Européenne d'Analyse et de Programmation (SEDAP, Paris, 2 months, summer 1988).
Simulation of french minitel like services (Messaging, Games,...) in Pascal on Bull Mini 6 (Gecos 6) (during 1st and 2nd engineering school years).
Misc: Inventor on several US patents pending (with both Sun Microsystems and Xtime). Recipient of the 2000 Xtime President award for excellence and leadership. ACM member.
Authorized to work in the US (permanent resident / 'Green Card' holder), and Europe (French Citizen)